How Tos

These are code snippets on how to achieve some specific use cases.


Be aware they are untested. Please open an issue if there are bugs in these examples or if you want to share some great examples that should be there.

Bind request_id to response’s header

You can add the request_id to a custom response header X-Request-ID in order to trace the request by the caller.

Origin: #231

from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_structlog import signals
import structlog

def add_request_id_to_error_response(response, logger, **kwargs):
    context = structlog.contextvars.get_merged_contextvars(logger)
    response['X-Request-ID'] = context["request_id"]

Bind rest_framework_simplejwt token’s user id

Bind token’s user_id from rest_framework_simplejwt to the request.

It is a workaround for restframework’s non-standard authentication system. It prevents access of the user in middlewares, therefore django-structlog cannot bind the user_id by default.

import structlog
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_structlog.signals import bind_extra_request_metadata
from rest_framework_simplejwt.tokens import UntypedToken

def bind_token_user_id(request, logger, **kwargs):
        header = request.META.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION")
        if header:
            raw_token = header.split()[1]
            token = UntypedToken(raw_token)
            user_id = token["user_id"]
    except Exception:

Bind AWS’s X-Amzn-Trace-Id

See Request tracing for your Application Load Balancer

Origin: #324

from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_structlog import signals
from django_structlog.middlewares.request import get_request_header
import structlog

def bind_trace_id(request, logger, **kwargs):
    trace_id = get_request_header(
         request, "x-amzn-trace-id", "HTTP_X_AMZN_TRACE_ID"
    if trace_id: